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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney in Orlando, FL

Life doesn’t stop when you fall on hard times, a divorce or unexpected medical bills and we are understanding of that. People can become so deep in debt they think there is no way out. The majority of people think since they have a job that bankruptcy is not an option. You can file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy with a job and we’re here to help at the Law Offices of Keith D. Collier. If you don’t know what your options are or even the slightest idea where to start, we offer a FREE Chapter 13 bankruptcy consultation to evaluate your situation and determine a plan of action.

What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

You are able to rework your debt in a way that allows you to pay back all or most of the debt under a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This will allow you to set a plan of action for your debts and regain control on your financial situation. In certain cases we can axe your unsecured debt to alleviate the worry for credit card bills, medical expenses, personal loans and any other unsecured debt. Chapter 13 can also help you restructure tax debt and child support payments.

How Does Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work?

You are given the ability to make payments monthly to a Chapter 13 Trustee over a certain amount of years. This trustee will distribute your money to creditors in the way that was laid our during the bankruptcy hearing. This allows you to catch up on many taxes, car loans, and mortgages payments.

Stop the Phone Calls From Debt Collectors Today!

You are not allowed to be contacted by any creditors during your Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If for some reason they do contact you, supply them with your case number. If the calls continue to come, get the person’s name and information and pass it along to your bankruptcy attorney. Stopping these calls provide a huge relief for most of our clients and allows them to see that the end is near.

File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Today

If you’re looking to stop all those harassing phone calls, stop the IRS or possibly block the foreclosure of your home, today is the day to call us. We are skilled and experienced with the bankruptcy laws in Orlando and want to help you during these hard times. We will assess the situation you are and create a payback plan that is suitable everyone involve. There is light at the end of the tunnel, call us today!