CNN Article: "Too broke to go bankrupt"
May 11, 2012
This resent article on CNN "Too broke to go bankrupt" backs my argument against last months article published in the Jacksonville Daily Record reporting that bankruptcy are down because the economy is getting better. The title of my blog and link to this article is called
Bankruptcy Filing Continue to Decrease from 2009 to 2012.
I am one of the last attorneys to put my butt on the line and offer payment plans for chapter 7 bankruptcy clients. Please read this article that backs my position that decreased bankruptcy filings could be a direct link to affordability and access to the courts. People just can't afford to pay for an attorney and the $306.00 court filing fee, much less Credit Counseling and Credit Reports.
People thinking about filing chapter 7 bankruptcy should call my office for a free phone consultation. I will quote you the fees and cost of filing chapter 7