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How long can I stay in my house if it’s in foreclosure?
September 5, 2013
As a Jacksonville, Daytona, and Orlando Bankruptcy Attorney, I pride myself on remaining up-to-date on the statistics for bankruptcy and foreclosure filings.  CNNMoney.com, a branch of CNN.com and the CNN news network, had a very informative article titled “Foreclosure free ride: 3 years, no payments” (http://money.cnn.com/2011/12/28/real_estate/foreclosure/index.htm?iid=EL).  The article answers the question:  How long can I stay in my house if it’s in foreclosure?  The article states that “[n]ationwide, the average time it take to process a foreclosure – from the first missed payment to the final foreclosure auction – has climbed to 674 days.”  The article goes on to state that the average in Florida is 1,027 days which is nearly three years.  This is the AVERAGE which means some families are able to stay in their homes, rent and mortgage payment-free, for even longer.

This amounts to an amazing opportunity for families and individuals to get back on their feet and here’s why:  foreclosure defense and bankruptcy may eliminate your liability for the mortgage debt and foreclosure.  It may also prevent you from having to take off work to attend court hearings for the foreclosure.  Anyone can stop paying on their mortgage, but if you do nothing to address the foreclosure action or the negative reporting to your credit, you will likely be much worse off in the future financially.

The Law Offices of Keith D. Collier offers free in-office and telephone consultations where we ask you 5-10 minutes worth of questions to determine your eligibility and then help you answer questions like:  How can I save my house from foreclosure?  How long can I live in my house if it’s in foreclosure?  Will bankruptcy prevent foreclosure?  Am I eligible for bankruptcy?

Our fees are generally on a sliding scale and we offer payment plans to fit your budget.  Unlike other firms, we offer payment plans that you get you filed first and you pay us later.  This way we get your business and you get peace of mind knowing that an experienced attorney is looking after your home and your financial future.